Mindfulness. My guest Lee Papa describes mindfulness as awareness. And as we learn in this insightful interview with Lee, mindfulness can also be fun. Join me as we visit with internationally recognized mindfulness and meditation expert Lee Papa. Lee shares with us how she shifted her own life from chaos, drama, exhaustion, illness, control, and lack of fulfillment to health, joy, abundance, and a passion for life that she deliberately created. Using these same Concepts, Tools, and Processes, Lee has taught tens of thousands of individuals how to shift their lives and create the best expression of themselves. Lee is the author of The Temple of All Knowing which chronicles her near death experience and awakening process. We’ll learn all about her latest offering as Lee has brought her 5-day Mindful Makeovers™ Program into a concise and very thorough transformational online program.
Lee Papa glows with joy and love. She brings positivity and style to all that she does. Please enjoy this fun hour with a wise and giving teacher. I invite you to visit leepapa.com to learn more about Lee’s offerings and her Mindful Makeovers™ Program.
